Sunday, 30 October 2011

Little Red Riding Hood

I will definitely include this known tale, it has been adapted constantly and the most recognised version is most probably by German brothers, The Brothers Grimm. They made a collection of fairy tales for children called 'Children's and Household Tales' which is now more commonly known as 'Grimm's fairy tales' - Wikipedia.
In their version, Little red Riding Hood and the grandma get eaten by the wolf and a woodcutter bloke comes and hacks the wolf open (still pretty dark not gonna lie) and saves the day, they all go home happily before the wolf wakes up. In the classic version, the wolf in fact munches down Little Red and granny and lays in the grandmothers bed happily after having his belly filled. Nice. So where is the happily-ever-after here? That's right, there never was one, originally anyway...

Here are some rough ideas for pages and layouts:


Little Red Riding Hood


  1. The wolf looks great! Good to see you are progressing with your style more and more with each new blog entry.

  2. Yo Bag Lady! hehe! Glad you liked my photos and it was a good end to a good year! Loving your work and well jealous that your still in education the real working world suck! lol
