Saturday, 10 May 2014

Paintings - work in progress

I'm focusing at the moment on painting out of positivity. I'm feeling very inspired by life, the small things which give so much beauty, meaning, fulfilment. Also the big things such as the gift of life itself! I want to focus on growth, birth, life, spirit, symbolism. Every day I find telling myself positive affirmations gives strength, belief and hope. Here is my current work in progress.... Forgive the not so great photo quality! 

I'm back!

Wow, it's tragic I've not posted anything on here for so long! SO LONG! Forgive me my friends. A lot has been happening, first magical pregnancy and finding a new home :) but I'm feeling inspired so expect to see alot more from me. 

Here are some odd sketches, roughs & drawings I've been doing...