Tuesday, 22 February 2011

More experiments of shoot


The first set of images I did for this song were really unsuccessful. I didn't think or plan enough ahead to try and create what I had in mind. My aim was to create a series of images which portray the essence of being young, immature and carefree. To do this I wanted to get a small group of people who would all be dressing up, jumping in puddles and doing childlike things.

A few shots from the first lot 

                   Do not much like these, much.
                    But I do love the make up!
I tried to make it look like this girl was dressing up like how children do, but it wasn't rich enough and the make up is a bit too lush for what I wanted, not messy enough, it needed to be more as though a child had been rummaging through their mothers make up bag.

A few shots from the second lot

Slowly getting there....

Shots from the third lot

some experimental pictures for make up, costumes and location of shoot


For this song, I wanted to try and capture the feeling of dreams and surrealism. The atmosphere of the song has attempted to be captured by photographing a friend who is the character Isobel exploring her woodland dream world.

I placed tea lights in tea cups to try and represent the      glowing lights in the song where the lyrics say: 'In a forest pitch dark, glowed the tiniest spark...' 
I like effect of these lights which appear to be glowing orbs.

 Really need to sort out this bloody red eye!

It was quite difficult taking these photographs because as soon as the scene was set up it started to pour down with rain! Also, I experimented lots with various settings such as candle lighting, close up and landscape. From these I am taking a preference for the candle light settings due to the soft warm lighting and hazey focus which I think would add to the whimsical dream element.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Tim Walker photography

Slightly annoying that i found this image after deciding i want to create a bedroom in the woods, this is the problem, everything has been done before!

A friend recently showed me this fantastic photography and I fell in love with it! It's so fantasical and dreamlike, his colour, composition and lighting is amazing.  Tim Walker is a fashion photographer with many works in Vogue magazine, he is widely recognised for his romantic idealistic style.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Photographs of Bjork

I thought i'd include these images as this is the kind of atmosphere i'm imagining in my photographs, i'm considering creating scenes in the woods behind my house in Hastings, perhaps a bedroom scene outide-  for 'Isobel' as the music reminds me of dreams and the surreal. I could hang objects from the branches, such as clocks to represent time and sleep, I could also create trees and costumes for people out of cardboard so there are realistic and fantastical elements.

Need to consider that anything seen as strange or odd is what I want to be working towards to appeal to her target audience.

Consider scale,

                                                                  Shape, texture,

                                                                 digital or S.L.R?
                                                          Colour or black and white film?

Bjork Album Covers

Just some of her past album covers which I think are wonderful at giving the atmosphere of her music.........................................................................